
Trends and Problems in the Reorganization of the Production Structure of the Japanese Fishery Industry

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 58 Issue 1 Page 47-51
published_at 2009-11
[fulltext] 585 KB
Trends and Problems in the Reorganization of the Production Structure of the Japanese Fishery Industry
Creators Itakura Nobuaki
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Production structure Reorganization Fishery management entities Fishery workers Fishing vessels
Over the past several years, the production structure of Japanese fisheries has continued to decline. Specifically, there has been a decrease in the number of fishery management entities, fishery workers, and fishing vessels. As a result of these dilemmas, there is apprehension over the future survival of the Japanese fishery industry. This is a very important issue that needs to be resolved. As a measure toward solving this problem, there is a movement to re-examine methods to reorganize the production structure of the fishery industry by delving into the current fishery policies of present day Japan. This study examines the contents of the reorganization policy, its effect on the fishery establishments, and the difficulties that may arise should this policy be implemented.
Languages eng
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2009-11
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access