
Applying the Soft CLIL Approach in a Japanese University: Identifying Opportunities

梅光学院大学論集 Volume 52 Page 39-47
published_at 2019-01-31
[fulltext] 79.4 KB
Applying the Soft CLIL Approach in a Japanese University: Identifying Opportunities
Creators Miyafumi Higashi
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
content and language integrated learning (CLIL) soft CLIL hard CLIL higher-order thinking skills cognitive skills
The present paper shows the oportunities and difficulties of the CLIL approach in a Japanese university. The study involved 62 English-major junior students, and it identified how the soft CLIL approach affected them. From the collected data, it was clear that significant number of students expressed positive perceptions. The learners stated that their higher-order thinking skills and motivation have been improved. However, a number of students pointed out that collaborative work could negatively influence their motivation.
Languages eng
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 梅光学院大学
Date Issued 2019-01-31
Access Rights open access